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A Hidden Key to Better Sleep: Embrace Sunlight

A Hidden Key to Better Sleep: Embrace Sunlight

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Learn more about a free and simple solution to improve sleep quality: exposing ourselves to natural sunlight. This practice helps synchronize our circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep at night, while also triggering the release of essential hormones that boost immune function, elevate mood, and increase energy levels. By adopting this habit, we not only enjoy improved sleep but also experience a brighter and healthier life overall.

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Self-Regulation Strategies Support our Overall Health and Wellness

Self-Regulation Strategies Support our Overall Health and Wellness

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In addition to positively impacting your health, physical activity breaks are important for self-regulation, productivity, and focus. Here at the Alert Program®, we emphasize that we do exercise and take frequent movement breaks throughout the day because it’s an often missing piece of our self-care, and an important part of self-regulation. And understanding our self-regulation helps us tremendously to have more ease in our day.

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Prioritizing Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being

Prioritizing Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being

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Conversations around workplace mental health and well-being have rightfully received increased awareness in 2023. While employee mental health is still not a #1 priority in many workplaces, it’s become a much more widely discussed and prioritized topic. In 2022, the office of the U.S. Surgeon General released its framework for workplace mental health and well-being. This includes a list of “Five Essentials to support workplaces as engines of well-being.” These include: (1) Protection from Harm, (2) Connection & Community, (3) Work-Life Harmony, (4) Mattering at Work, and (5) Opportunity for Growth.

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High Marks Alert Program® Courses Continue!

High Marks Alert Program® Courses Continue!

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Each year, we carefully analyze the data and feedback from the Alert Program® Online Course and Your Best Self Online Course post-tests and evaluations. Sorting through your answers and comments helps us to continually improve our courses and offerings. We are thrilled to report that in the 2021-2022 assessment, the results continue to be outstanding. 

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How Self-Regulation Supports a Smooth Transition From High School to College

How Self-Regulation Supports a Smooth Transition From High School to College

It’s college admission season here in the US, which comes with a flood of emotions for high school students and families across the nation. Coming to a decision on where to begin one’s higher education journey can be one of the biggest decisions in a young adult’s life. And receiving acceptances and rejections can play […]

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The Alert Program®: Empowering Your Team and Organization

The Alert Program®: Empowering Your Team and Organization

Listen to this blog here! Within the span of two years, the job market has oscillated from hiring booms and job shortages, to hiring freezes and layoffs. More than ever, having a reliable, high-performing, and satisfied staff is essential to riding out unpredictable times. The ability to self-regulate is important in staying focused and efficient […]

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Alert Program® Car Metaphor is one Approach but not for Everyone!

Alert Program® Car Metaphor is one Approach but not for Everyone!

When the Alert Program® first got rolling, it was an idea in search of a visual. Children and adults alike needed to wrap their brains around a mental picture of three basic alert levels – high, low and middle, or what the program developers call “just right.” A little car came to mind. Maybe lurching […]

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How the Alert Program® Online Course can Help You

How the Alert Program® Online Course can Help You

How’s it going? Comfortable at your computer or plagued by screen glare and a back ache? Good music in the background or nagging construction going on next door? Sipping a glass of iced tea or nursing a dry throat? Yeah, those small things can go a long way toward distracting you or keeping you alert. […]

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Who can Benefit From the Alert Program®?

Who can Benefit From the Alert Program®?

You might think the Alert Program® is just for elementary school-aged kiddos. But it supports self-regulation (changing how alert you feel) for all ages, populations and settings. Once you know about the importance of self-regulation, it can take you to some surprising places. Here are seven Alert Program® success stories. After taking an Alert Program® training…

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Engine Analogy? One Metaphor Does not fit All!

Engine Analogy? One Metaphor Does not fit All!

The engine analogy is not the “be all and end all,” although the Alert Program® often uses the metaphor of a car engine running high, low, or just right. Young children relate to the playful side of it; adults drive and own cars, so they understand it from a practical standpoint. Naturally, each level has its […]

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Exploring the World Inside Your Kid

Exploring the World Inside Your Kid

Something going on with your kiddo? Maybe learning or socializing isn’t going so smoothly? You’ve come to the right site. Here are five Alert Program® tips to ease your mind and set change in motion. 1) Know that there are a lot of kids and teens like yours and parents like you — and loads […]

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Introductory Booklet – What’s the Alert Program®?

Introductory Booklet – What’s the Alert Program®?

Let’s Chat: What Is the Alert Program®? What makes a child too sluggish or hyper to learn, too wired to go to bed? Well, it all has to do with a bunch of stuff we occupational therapists have been studying for years, like alert states, sensory integration, self-regulation, automatic responses, sensory motor preferences. Jargon, jargon, […]

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