We offer two life-altering and evidence-based online courses
that you can integrate into your everyday life or your
therapeutic practice with ease.
Alert Program® Courses

Your Best Self Online Course
- Sign up for this self-care course for all adults who want their days to flow with more ease by understanding sensory information and self-regulation strategies!
- 100% of participants experienced an improved sense of well-being and productivity.
- 100% of participants learned to better navigate and enhance their personal and work relationships.
- 8 contact hours for those who need CEUs.
- Your Best Self Online Course »

Alert Program® Online Course
- Register for the in-depth course that is utilized by professionals and parents in 85+ countries.
- 99% of participants were able to identify their own sensorimotor preferences for self-regulation.
- 99% of participants reported an enhanced repertoire of therapeutic/educational activities to support self-regulation in home, school, or therapy settings.
- 20 contact hours for those who need CEUs (includes the Leader’s Guide book).
- Alert Program® Online Course »
- Alert Program® International
Online Course »

Group rate discounts available!
- Gather some friends or colleagues to form a group of 4 or more.
- Unlimited capacity for companies and organizations. Each course can help your group work better as a team and be more productive.
- Choose your own start date!
- Contact Us » to learn more.
Wondering Which Course is for You?
The short answer is that BOTH courses can be beneficial to you!
The Alert Program® Online Course is intended for anyone who wants to learn the steps, stages, and activities of the Alert Program® to implement it with others. Through the Alert Program® Online Course, you’ll master therapeutic and educational activities to support self-regulation appropriate for use in school, home, therapy, or community settings.
Need Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
If so, you’ve come to the right place! You can choose to receive CEUs for taking the Alert Program® Online Course, or taking the Your Best Self: The Alert Program® For All Online Course. Then, you simply take the CEU Test, score 70% or higher, and you’ll receive your Certificate of Completion. Take the CEU Test without any stress! To make sure your “engine” does not go up into high gear, you can re-take any of the CEU Tests at no additional cost, if needed, to pass.
Our Two Outstanding Online Courses
Mary Sue Williams and Sherry Shellenberger, the occupational therapists who wrote the book on self-regulation, bring you these two engaging courses. You’ll benefit from the step-by-step approach they have developed. Based on their 40+ years of experience they have created simple, practical solutions that you can incorporate into your everyday living. You’ll laugh and learn from the real-life stories they share. They’ve experienced the struggles you may be facing right now and they want to support you!

Alert Program® for Self-Regulation
Online Course

Your Best Self
Online Course

The Illinois Early Intervention Training Program
has approved these courses for EI credential credit.

TherapyWorks, Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development.
Provider # 4832. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.