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A Hidden Key to Better Sleep: Embrace Sunlight

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Learn more about a free and simple solution to improve sleep quality: exposing ourselves to natural sunlight. This practice helps synchronize our circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep at night, while also triggering the release of essential hormones that boost immune function, elevate mood, and increase energy levels. By adopting this habit, we not only enjoy improved sleep but also experience a brighter and healthier life overall. Read more »

Alert Program® Car Metaphor is one Approach but not for Everyone!

When the Alert Program® first got rolling, it was an idea in search of a visual. Children and adults alike needed to wrap their brains around a mental picture of three basic alert levels – high, low and middle, or what the program developers call “just right.” A little car came to mind. Maybe lurching … Read more

How the Alert Program® Online Course can Help You

How’s it going? Comfortable at your computer or plagued by screen glare and a back ache? Good music in the background or nagging construction going on next door? Sipping a glass of iced tea or nursing a dry throat? Yeah, those small things can go a long way toward distracting you or keeping you alert. … Read more