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Need Continuing Education Units?

…we learn how to communicate our alert levels and sensory-motor preferences. The Alert Program® Online Course is intended for anyone who wants to learn the steps, stages, and activities of…

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Copyright Request

…am working with the following ages and types of clients* My request does not fit into the above categories. Please explain. Please provide any additional information you feel would be…

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self-regulation underlies and supports all that we do. people of all ages and settings benefit from our program. these powerful and practical tools support Your Best Self. Small changes in…

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Sensory-Motor Preference Checklist Coming Soon

Sensory-Motor Preference Checklist Coming Soon! Good news! The Sensory-Motor Preference Checklist (for Adults) will be available soon from our website. In the meantime, please contact us to request a copy…

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Improving Employee Engagement

Improving Employee Engagement

…Course. Companies across more than 85 countries have implemented these strategies and experienced an enhanced ability to communicate and self-regulate among their staff. Investing in your staff pays off in…

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Boost Your Health with NEAT: The Simple Way to Get Active

Boost Your Health with NEAT: The Simple Way to Get Active

…your health? It’s called NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to metabolic health. NEAT encompasses all the calories you burn through daily activities that…

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Copyright Guidelines

…Program® information, materials, and products. TherapyWorks, Inc. reserves all rights to its intellectual property. In today’s world, many professionals do not understand or are simply unaware of the complexities of…

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Keeping On Track: Alert Program® Companion Game

Keeping On Track: Alert Program® Companion Game

…Guide activities, Test Drive songs, or Alert: Go Fish! and Alert Bingo, they are ready for this one-of-a-kind game. The 18″ x 18″ board captures children’s imaginations with colorful illustrations…

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