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Self-Regulation in Action – Alert Program® Bundle


As you might have seen from the videos we share, we’re all about making self-regulation easy! So, we are introducing our newest Alert Program® duo: our tried and true Leader’s Guide book and our activity-filled Take Five! book.  Buy the bundle and save.  Scroll down to view more in-depth descriptions of the products included in this bundle.



We created this dynamic duo to show you we live by our motto of “Self-Regulation Made Easy” (and FUN)! Our Leader’s Guide book takes you through the step-by-step instructions to know how to incorporate the Alert Program®, including its three stages and 12 Mile Marker steps, with your clients,  kiddos,  and anyone else who can benefit from self-regulation strategies. Our Take Five! book turns self-regulation awareness into action with engaging activities, like quick movement breaks, and other easy ways to incorporate educational or therapy goals to be alert and focused.

With this bundle, you’ll be off to a good start in implementing the Alert Program® in a fun and interesting way. Or take the Alert Program® Online Course which includes the most up-to-date best practices in our profession (the Leader’s Guide is included in the price of the course).

This evidence-based practice approach is ideal for those who have attention problems, autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, FASD, developmental delays, and/or other learning challenges (as well as those typically developing).  Both the Leader’s Guide and Take Five! are a great addition to your self-regulation tool kit because you don’t have to be an expert to utilize the activities. These two books lay out the components of the Alert Program® in an easy-to-follow format.  We are always trying to find new ways of making self-regulation easy for everyone, so we hope you enjoy this dynamic duo!

This bundle includes all the following products to get you started (click below to learn more):

Leader’s Guide 
Take Five!

And if you are new to the Alert Program® you might want to check out the following:

Articles in our Blog

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