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Take Five! Staying Alert at Home and School


Take Five! is chock-full of fun activities designed to support self-regulation in homes and schools. This book provides simple, low-budget activities that support children to be alert and focused.

This book does not teach children about their engine levels, but it is organized around the five ways to change how alert we feel, covered in the Alert Program®. The chapters are titled the same as the five ways to change how alert one feels (Mouth, Move, Touch, Look, and Listen Categories).

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The sensorimotor activities in Take Five! are “user-friendly” for anyone, even those not yet familiar with the Alert Program®. Teachers, therapists, and parents will love the quick movement breaks and easy ways to incorporate educational or therapy goals in the self-regulation activities. You won’t want to miss out on this ideal resource to support the use of the Alert Program®.

Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 0.5 in

Mary Sue Williams and Sherry Shellenberger


TherapyWorks, Inc. © 2001


ISBN-10: 0-9643041-1-2 and ISBN-13: 978-0-9643041-1-6

Book Type

Spiral bound: 86 pages



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