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The Alert Program ® With Songs for Self-Regulation Digital Version


The Alert Program®’s double CD set has gone digital. One set of audio files is an introduction to the program with excerpts from the Introductory Booklet (read by the authors). The second set of audio files includes 15 fun, playful songs that help children change their levels of alertness at home or school. All songs are kid-tested, therapist/parent/teacher-approved, with titles such as “Slo-Mo,” “Thumb Wrestling,” “Swamp Balomp,” “Hawk,” and “Hokey OT.”

Listen to samples of the songs »



Parents, teachers, therapists, and children will be delighted with these instructional, yet entertaining, tracks. The Alert Program® Songs for Self-Regulation supports optimal functioning at school, at home, and in therapy sessions. These songs do not utilize the engine analogy (engine words are not in the lyrics), whereas the Test Drive songs do. All songs are coded in the liner notes so the listener will know whether they help to alert or calm the nervous system.

As children get familiar with the Alert Program®, these songs will help them to self-regulate. For instance, a child might say at bedtime, “My engine is running high. Could we play the ‘Hawk Song’ to help me fall asleep?”

Take a listen here…

Sample from “Flea Market”


Sample from “Stop-N-Go”


Additional information


Mary Sue Williams and Sherry Shellenberger


TherapyWorks Inc. © 1995


ISBN-10: 09643041-2-0 and ISBN-13: 978-0-9643041-2-3

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