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What Would You Like to Know?

• Recent New Findings
• Best Practices
• Customized inquiry
• Global standard

NEW: For Teachers!

• Research that teachers can share! A 20 page
list of research topics to help parents and
administrators be on board with
the Alert Program®

NEW: For School Administrators

• Research to show parents and administrators
Alert Program® self-regulation strategies are effective.
[link to AP literature and research PDF]


Support for Scholarly Work

Program Evaluation ~ Research ~ Workshops ~ In-service Training ~ Professional Writing

The Alert Program® is committed to providing therapists with available evidence, research, and literature related to the use and credibility of the Alert Program®. Additionally, promotion and encouragement of the therapist’s engagement in scholarly work, such as research, professional writing, informative presentations, and optimal documentation practices further reflect our commitment to support sound critical reasoning and best practice. Check out the services and documents below that will support your practice.

Tracking Success

Tracking Success — is a value-added consultation service that supports the every-day practitioner or facility/school. Using a systematic and customized approach, we help you optimize your use of the Alert Program® (on an individual or system-wide basis). Consultation results in a program evaluation framework that guides day-to-day practice and provides specific strategies for measuring efficiency, implementation and outcome effectiveness. We assure that your unique needs are met. Video-conferencing (and optional on-site visits) makes consultation economical in a time of limited funds.

Key Benefits:

✔︎ Identifies what IS working and what IS NOT working in program implementation (both process and outcomes)

✔︎ Helps prioritize changes in service delivery

✔︎ Increases credibility and value of your services

✔︎ Facilitates decision making and clinical reasoning

✔︎ Facilitates greater administrative support

✔︎ Justifies funding for existing and expanded services

✔︎ Customizes your services to fully meet individual, school system, or facility needs.


View Our Existing Research

The “Alert Program Literature and Research” document provides an extensive list of research and literature specific to the Alert Program®. Whether you are looking for what has been said about our program or checking out what research has been done on specific populations, this document is easily read online or downloaded and shared with colleagues or clients. Sharing evidence with team members, provides credibility and effectiveness to your services. For ease in your review of the document, a summary of each article or research project is included.

MORE INFORMATION:  AP Literature and Research

Seeking Evidence of Effectiveness?

SEASONED RESEARCHER. Are you a seasoned researcher interested in self-regulation issues of a specific population? Is the Alert Program® a viable intervention approach you would like to include in your research design? We have relevant suggestions for you to consider. With experience in both national and international research projects, we have learned that early consultation with the investigators results in a more efficient research process and enhanced outcomes.

Whether you are a graduate student doing research, or a seasoned academic researcher, or a practitioner desiring to use evaluation data to support more effective programming, the Alert Program® staff can help guide and support your practice.  Consultation is available for those seeking more effective program evaluation methods, for the development of research hypotheses, and protocols, and for the customization of the Alert Program® for a specific populations. We are eager to assure that the structural and process elements (fidelity) of the Alert Program® are maintained for optimal outcomes both for day-to-day clinical use as well as for research.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Research Guidelines

FOR MORE INFORMATION:  (Link to a pdf document providing guidelines for using/adapting the AP for a specific population/environment)

CLINICAL RESEARCHER. Are you a clinical researcher desiring to turn evaluation and documentation strategies into powerful outcome data that support your practice? Check out these helpful tips!

Questions About Copyright Use?

Whether you are practicing in clinics, schools, hospitals, universities or community based programs, we endeavor to support all types of scholarly work involving issues of self-regulation and use of the Alert Program®: workshops, in-service training, conferences, research, or professional publications. “Guidelines for Using Intellectual Property of TherapyWorks, Inc.” is a downloadable document that supports your desire to appropriately share, present, research and/or publish concepts related to the Alert Program® copyrighted information and materials.

MORE INFORMATION: Guidelines for Copyright Use